The Coremine Vitae Report

A Personalized 360-Degree Overview of Treatment Options

The Coremine Vitae report provides a comprehensive, tailored overview of treatment options for the individual patient based on the patient's diagnosis, medical history and preferences. The report supports informed decision-making by providing a personalised, evidence-based overview of available treatment options. Based on the set criteria, the report compiles information about both conventional and emerging treatment alternatives.

There are no restrictions on the diagnoses or conditions we can evaluate, ensuring all patients acquire the most thorough and personalized information.

Standard of Care

We compare national and international treatment guidelines, illustrate the patient's clinical pathway from diagnosis to treatment, and provide clear next steps based on the standard of care.


Our report includes an overview of predictive biomarkers, highlighting those recommended by clinical guidelines and emerging biomarkers with potential targeted therapies.

Emerging Treatments  

We highlight new, evidence-based treatment options and offer detailed information on each emerging treatment.

Clinical Trials  

We provide a curated list of clinical trials for which the patient may be eligible, covering both national and international options.

How does the report support you?

Who we help

We assist patients facing life-changing diagnoses, providing invaluable information and support. We have experience dealing with conditions such as cancer, neurological disorders, syndromes, and genetic diseases. We have no restrictions on the diagnoses we evaluate.
We support patients at various stages of their medical journey, from initial diagnosis to recurrence and advanced stages of disease.
Relatives can also order our service on behalf of the patient, ensuring comprehensive and personalized support for all.

What we can do for you

We offer scientifically curated biomedical information tailored to your specific needs. We take into account your diagnoses, medical history, and preferences when compiling the report.
Our multidisciplinary team conducts thorough research to find evidence-based information on current standard-of-care, additional biomarkers, emerging treatment options, and clinical trials relevant to you.
We empower patients with comprehensive information, enabling participation in shared decision- making with their healthcare providers.

How to Use the Service

Our service provides you with comprehensive information to discuss with your doctor, empowering you to make informed decisions together. This collaborative approach not only equips you with knowledge but also supports your healthcare journey by providing your doctor with up-to-date research and insights. It ensures that every decision made is well-informed and aligned with your individual needs and preferences.

With a Personalized Report you will receive access to the full Coremine Vitae service which includes:  

The Biomedical Report

Our comprehensive biomedical report provides extensive information about possible treatment options tailored to the individual patient. The report is made available for the patient and can be shared with their doctor upon request. The report covers:  

  • The patient's medical history summary
  • Tested biomarkers and suggestions for additional biomarker testing (if any)
  • National and international standard of care
  • Clinical trials relevant to the patient
  • Emerging treatment options, including off-label options

Summary of the Report  

We provide a patient-friendly summary of the report that simplifies the biomedical report, summarizing the main sections in an easy-to-navigate format. This includes a brief overview of the patient's medical history, an outline of the next steps in the treatment journey, information on relevant biomarkers and available treatment options adapted to the patient's needs and preferences.

Foto de <a href="">Christina @</a> en <a href="">Unsplash</a>


In the presentation we present our key findings from the biomedical report, covering all sections in the report. Here you will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive clarifications from our scientific team. The aim of the presentation is to give you the education needed to discuss your situation with your treating physician and healthcare team. Our goal is to make you feel empowered when considering the potential next steps, such as further biomarker testing or enrolment in clinical trials.

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Empowering patients with knowledge about their treatment options,. Coremine Vitae strives to provide patients with personalized information about their diagnosis.
Coremine Vitae AS
Klaus Torgårds vei 3, 0372
Oslo, Norway.